Thursday, January 18, 2007

Kill Love.

Can you kill "L"?

How many times did you turn down your parents favors.."Sorry ma, nak pegi dah ni. Nantilah abang buat."
How many times did you lie to your:
*parents - "ma pegi tuition.." the truth- sunway pyramid.
*friends - "Aku sakit lah wei.. aku dtg lain kali lah.." the truth- Your not really sick. Not even close.
*Special ones (for those who has one.. or two.)- "i can't make it.sorry" the truth- u dont like her/his friends.

How many times did you turn someone down.. " Sorry it was just a spur of the moment kind of thing." or "Sorry, i don't think i'm ready..".

Well i'm sure i have done all the above for the past 18 years of my life. i was even a victim in some cases.(some= a lot). I guess most of us have gotten ourselves into this kinds of situations at least once.(if not.. please do, what the hell are you doing with your life...). Everytime these kinds of situations appear, i remain cool..(on the outside that is.) i'll project the whole "i don't care routine.". That's my style, an advantage at certain points, but totally a disadvantage in these situations. I'll always get the bizzare outcomes. ALWAYS.

The thing is.. everytime we do these actions.. somehow "L" gets a beating. you lie, "L" receives a right hander . you turn some one down.."L" gets thrown to the gutter. Somehow in every action we do "L" is at risk.. then why do we bother?? maybe jojo's line in Aquamarine is true.."Maybe because its the closest thing we have to magic.."

My question is. Can love be killed?
Yes. everytime we lie, everytime we cheat, everytime we talk, everytime we move, everytime we breathe.
Why do we do this?
Because it's life.
Then why is life a struggle?
We need the wake up call. It comes in different ways. Mourning over Death of a loved one, or celebrating life over someone new.
How do we cope with it?
Have faith. Believe in Allah and his mysterious ways. Be optimistic. Every little detail is important.
How do we survive?
Work hard and work with heart.

Can we kill love?
My answer is yes. Ab-so-lute-ly.
But it manages to reincarnate back to life somehow.

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