Monday, February 18, 2008

Life Lesson 101

my father taught me an interesting and useful lesson today that i will remember for a long time. this is actually the first time he hes actually got something inside my thick skull, so it is quite a big deal 4 me.

how often is it that you get into a discussion that goes on for 3 hours..... with ur dad?? he taught me this. experience teaches you to always think in a bigger picture. why struggle to put out the small fires when you can stop and think about the cause of the fire??

basically dudes, everybody wishes they can stop time at their happiest moment, whether you realize it or not. i've learnt to stop expecting blindly and to calculate what you can expect.that way, life is less depressing, you know.

i now try to live life based on one principle which is :
Why Look Up To A Tree When You Can Look Down Upon A Forest??

in truth, I have done something I used to consider impossible,i grew up.
now ive just gotta start acting like one.

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