Sunday, July 29, 2007

ring ring~ "hello.."

hello..for those who don't know.. i just went to P.D to few days ago. went there on friday and arrived back home today, around 3p.m. i was working actually, as an "asssistant trainer". haha. yes.The trainers involved were my dad (of course), abang firdaus (dad's friend's son), and ME. i wasn't to agreeable on following my dad at first, but after a few training sessions there, i was getting the hang of it. well it beats going through orientation thats for sure.haha.

i actually learnt more on this trip rather than during orientation. :/ dont get me wrong, orientation was.. so-so, fun. this trip was fun-NY haha. it's funny how childish an adult can be, and how adult a child can be. this group that "we were" training (more likely, my dad) were around their early thirties to late forty's. as usual, i was the youngest in the crowd. ( :/ no surprises there)

there were all kinds of people. there are ones u could predict, there are ones u couldn't. it was an experience for me. and tons of respect goes to my dad for tackling every situation well. seriously, i was amazed at how he resolved conflicts. it's gonna be hard to measure up to him. haha. but i'll be thankful just to have half of his communication skills.

i guess my orientation week was a bit extra than other freshies. i know i'm like typing rubbish now, thats cause i feel i have a responsibility towards the blog. ( and i'll feel guilty if i dont tyoe something)

oh and spoke to a few old friends. helped putri with her "the effect of free sex towards the country" assignment. called mye a few times to confirm/postpone/CANCEL the trip to mid valley, prank called azeera saying that i was a guy from taylors. (haha that was funny). and called nazir and iqbal just to say hi. oh and ezat, it was more like rubbish trash talk with him. but worth it haha. funny.

and i baru perasan, i've been talking to mye on the phone a lot. i think she misses me. haha.

oh and called ZULAIKHA RAZALI. she was on the bus. :/

and messaged gie, a new friend. kot. we'll see.


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